Dynamic Analysis and Simulation of a Roller Chain Drive System on RecurDyn

Juntian Zhao, Shunzeng Wang, Shengyang Hu, Yu Liu, Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Innovation, June 2014, Volume 1, Number 1, pp 71-76.


This paper is on the dynamic analysis and simulation of the roller chain drive systems, which are widely used in various high-speed, heavy-load and power transmission application. Presently, most studies were only focused on the analysis of the chain tight span, not the whole system. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to calculate the dynamic response of the whole roller chain drive working with RecurDyn software. It presents the generalized recursion theory of the chain links in the model, with the initial condition and various tension. In this simulation model, the dynamics of any roller chain drive with two sprockets and two spans can be analyzed by the procedure. Finally, it provides velocity curves, displacement diagrams, accelerating curves and dynamic tension curves. This study provides an effective way for the dynamic analysis of all the chain drive system.

How Multibody Dynamics Simulation Technology is Used

The chain module in RecurDyn provides an easy way to model a roller train drive system. Built in tools make the dynamic analysis of a chain subsystem much easier to accomplish. Velocity, acceleration, and dynamic tension curves can provide effective means to design a chain drive system.

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