Dynamics co-simulation of a type of spot welding robot by Recurdyn and Simulink

Yan-Shen Wang, Yu-Xian Gai, Ping-Chun Xie, Consumer Electronics, International Conference on Communications and Networks (CECNet), XianNing, April 2011, pp. 4934-4937.


A co-simulation on virtual prototype of a type of spot welding robot has been accomplished by combining MATLAB/Simulink with RecurDyn. The control algorithm is executed under MATLAB to generate command forces, which are then exported to RecurDyn environment and applied to actuators of the virtual prototype at each cycle of time. Dynamic control on joint angles was accomplished through the co-simulation. Torques of each joint and the velocity of the clamp end were also acquired by co-simulation, which can give useful information for optimizing robot design.

How Multibody Dynamics Simulation Technology is Used

A co-simulation with RecurDyn and Simulink was executed for dynamic control of a spot welding robot. Torques of each joint and the velocity of the clamp end from these simulations can provide useful information for optimizing robot design. New designs could be efficiently tested within RecurDyn without the need of a costly prototype.

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